Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Log house, or house made from logs?

 Is this how you join two round logs together?

The work we Wwoofers have been doing on the house.

I arrived in Sasayama on the evening of February 2nd, I rode the 80km or so from Osaka in about 9 hrs in the snow. I woke the following morning to find the house I slept in the previous night had a beautiful thatch roof, and the following days work was continuing on with the stone foundations for Gen & Anna's small house.

After many attempt by many a woofer over many months the stone work jigsaw puzzle was complete and it was up to the 3 stooges (`Robbo` with a doggy mustache-Toby, `Davo` the coffee kicker turn foreman Seth, and me the `Doggy Roggy rough as guts` jack of all trades.

It was a lot of fun right from the beginning with many discussions around the drawing board on how to build it, and then the time spent making and testing and re making all the notches, pegs holes and joints inside a green house during the cold winter months.

For the last 2 weeks though, we have put it all together, it fits, feels strong and is ready for the next crew to arrive to do the next piece of the puzzle.

Seth putting on a brave smile as we erect part of the second story

Gen doing a wall of mud and cord wood.

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